27 август 2007

too comercial

София, България: заведение с претенции на ул. Шишман

остров Тасос, Гърция: най-разпространеното бяло вино с хвойнова смола

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5 коментара:

Momchil каза...

чашата е различна

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Аз също забелязах това преди време, но се оказва, че производителите на рецина са...заимствали логото си от Bonal


Bonal, 1933-1935

Bonal opens the appetite, like a key opening the stomach. With a strong stylisation of this personage, Cassandre creates a new logo for this old French brand-name made from gentiane and quinine. By contrast, the play on the shadow of the personage makes the personage stand out even more, as if he was standing in front of the actual poster. The superb trompe l’oeil sustained by the lined background reminds us that this poster presents us with numerous graphic subtleties in its composition which makes it one of the artist’s masterpieces.

The first edition of 1933 was printed with a rose background and with bronze lines. In 1935 the company printed the poster on a yellow background with the same bronze lines.

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EL каза...

даам, когато опре до рециклиране на изкуство, всички са готови да се "включат" (too comercial, както вече отбелязахме). докато на нуждата от рециклиране на вредните неща никой не й обръща внимание.

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"The secret of being creative is knowing how to hide your sources." —A. Einstein